Research for students

Open topics

MSc, BSc program

"Beporzó rovarokat segítő beavatkozások városi környezetben" 

Supervisor: Viktor Szigeti

Szakdolgozati munka keretében hazai, elsősorban fővárosi, konvencionálisan és különféle beporzóbarát módon kezelt városi élőhelyeket vizsgálva arra keressük a választ, hogy az eltérő módon kezelt területek között van-e eltérés vegetációban, virágkínálatban (azaz a beporzók táplálékában) és a beporzó közösségekben. Lásd példuául:

Lelkes szakdolgozók jelentkezését várjuk

MSc, BSc program

Several opportunities for studying pollinators

Supervisor: András BÁLDI, Anikó Kovács-Hostyánszki, Viktor Szigeti

Az Ökológiai Kutatóközpont, Lendület Ökoszisztéma-szolgáltatás Kutatócsoportja több fronton is vizsgálja az ökológiai intenzifikáció (fenntartható mezőgazdaság az ökoszisztéma-szolgáltatások segítségével) beporzó rovarokra gyakorolt hatását, az Európai Unió által támogatott kutatásokban. 

Lelkes szakdolgozók jelentkezését várjuk számos futó projektünkbe!

MSc, PhD program

Modelling the grassland ecosystems

Supervisor: Eszter Lellei-Kovács

Modelling carbon, nitrogen and water cycling of grassland and farmland ecosystems is a useful tool for revealing the functioning of these ecosystems. The calibration and validation of the BIOME-BGCMuSo model through grassland soil and vegetation data and the analysis of the results is a good opportunity to understand better these ecosystems. Our field data are coming from the oversown and control fallow plots in the Kiskunság.

MSc, PhD program

Biomass studies in a fallow experiment

Supervisor: Eszter Lellei-Kovács

Many abandoned arable lands in the Hungarian Kiskunság could not regenerate to a productive and biodiverse grassland also after a decade of abandonment. Supposedly, the nutrient-poor soil is the main reason for that. Supporting the regeneration of these grasslands, we applied a seed mixture of native plants, mostly legumes, overseeding the selected fallows. Comparing with the control fallow plots, we are monitoring the development of the vegetation and the increase in biomass. Measuring aboveground biomass production in farmlands is essential for estimating the productivity of the lands. The method of measurements with Rising Plate Meter (RPM) requires calibration and validation through grass biomass measurements.

MSc, PhD program

Soil respiration studies in a fallow experiment

Supervisor: Eszter Lellei-Kovács

Many abandoned arable lands in the Hungarian Kiskunság could not regenerate to a productive and biodiverse grassland also after a decade of abandonment. Supposedly, the nutrient-poor soil is the main reason for that. Supporting the regeneration of these grasslands, we applied a seed mixture of native plants, mostly legumes, overseeding the selected fallows. Comparing with the control fallow plots, we are monitoring the development of the vegetation and changing in ecosystem functioning. Soil respiration is the main soil carbon efflux of ecosystems, and reflects well on soil functioning. Our research topics to study are the spatial and temporal variability of soil respiration, its relationship with biomass production, and the effect of the overseeding experiment on the soil activity and soil properties with time.

MSc, BSc program

What effect do the newly established wildflower plots have on neighboring agricultural area 

Supervisor: András BÁLDI, DsC

In the Kiskunság, 16 flowering plots in the middle of large agricultural areas were created. Our goal is to evaluate the impact of these plots, for example, whether the frequency of beneficial (and harmful) arthropods increases, and how far this extends into the adjacent agricultural fields. Are we infesting the wheat from the flower plots? Are we spreading predators or parasitoids to control pests? Is there a difference between arthropod groups or the crops grown or the edges with different structures? Hopefully this will help us to argue successfully to farmers about the benefits of sown flower fields and more broadly, habitat restoration.   

MSc, BSc program

Colonization and habitat use of birds in newly established wildflower plots 

Supervisor: András BÁLDI, DsC

In the Kiskunság, 16 flowering plots in the middle of large agricultural areas were created. Our goal is to evaluate the impact of these plots, for example, whether the frequency of beneficial (and harmful) arthropods will increase, and at what landscape scale. The impact of these plots on the occurrence of birds is an exciting research question: do ground nesting species prefer these sites over agricultural plots? How does it affect nest survival? What species prefer these areas? What is the effect of landscape structure? What effect does the size of the flower plot have? Such information can be used to develop a good practice to protect dramatically declining species such as the Eurasian skylark. 

MSc, BSc program

What natural, economic and social background variables influence the spatial patterns of ecosystem services in Hungary? 

Supervisor: Eszter TANÁCS, PhD

One of the main objectives of the European Union's Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 was to preserve and restore ecosystem services (ES) as fully as possible. To this end, Member States were required to map and assess the state of ecosystems in their territory and the status and economic value of the ES they provide. In Hungary, a project was launched in the autumn of 2016, coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture which included the national mapping and evaluation of the ES of national importance (National Ecosystem Service Mapping and Evaluation; NÖSZTÉP). We are looking for an enthusiastic student to join the evaluation of the spatial patterns of the completed national maps. 

PhD program: Environmental and Landscape Management 

Effects of farming on biodiversity and ecosystem services 

Supervisor: András BÁLDI, DSc

Low intensity farming is an essential tool for maintaining farmland biodiversity and ecosystem services (eg. pollination, soil fertility, pest control). Effective management requires research knowledge and continuous monitoring. The research examines the impact of grassland overseeding and establishment of flower plots on arable land in the Kiskunság on biodiversity and ecosystem services, all in a landscape context. The question is how sowing with native plants, especially with Leguminosae, can restore soil fertility of old fields, and thus increase biomass and biodiversity. The question regarding the flower parcels is how far the effect penetrates into the landscape on biodiversity and ecosystem services.

Active students

Virág Németh (MSc, Eötvös Loránd University, Ecology, Evolutionary and Conservation Biology, 2022-...) 

Comparison of flying insect communities between grasslands and restored grassland fragments in an agricultural landscape

Virág uses Malaise traps to explore the differences and similarities in flying insect communities between semi-natural grasslands and wildflower fields or strips established in the Kiskunság Wildflower Fields Experiment. The results may indicate how effective this treatment is in conserving local biodiversity.   

Csaba Hegedűs (MSc, Eötvös Loránd University and Budapest University of Technology and Economics Biotechnology, 2022-...) 

Comparison of honey bee and bumble bee infestation

We would like to compare a specific virus in honeybee and in a Bombus sp. if there are similarities between them so it is possible to transfer these pathogenes with domesticated honeybees to wild pollinators. 

Áron Domonkos Bihaly (PhD School of Biological Sciences, Szent István University, 2019) 

The effects of semi-natural and artificially established, moderately disturbed habitats on pollinator communities  

Áron joined in the Kiskunság Wildflower Fields Experiment, where he studies the local and landscape scale effects of wildflower fields and strips on the species richness, abundance, species composition of wild bees and hoverflies, the reproduction success of cavity-nesting wild bees and wasps and the delivered pollination services.

Ildikó Arany (PhD School of Environmental Sciences, Szent István University, 2015-...) 

Valuing ecosystem services provided by honey bees for nature conservation and sustainable land use  

Ildikó explores the pitfalls of indicator ambiguities in the provision of honey from natural and agricultural ecosystems. In the last few years honey provision received considerable attention, with several new indicators having been proposed. Nevertheless, there are quite a few degrees of freedom in the way how honey provision capacities can be defined and measured, and consequently, there is a broad diversity between indicators developed in various parts of the world in what they actually show. Ildikó wants to unearth these hidden ambiguities, explore the underlying implementation choices, and to give recommendations for a sane and robust method selection and documentation process.

László Somay (PhD School of Environmental Sciences, Szent István University, 2014-...) 

Role of dung beetles in the decomposition of domestic and wild grazers dung in Hungary 

László compares dung beetle communities and functional traits in different habitats and for different dung types (horse, cattle, sheep). He also participates in international decomposition projects, and has prominent publications already.

Former students

Butterflies on sown wildflower fields and strips: the effects of landscape structure and plot size

The impacts of bee pastures on urban pollinators 

The role of birds in the natural control of caterpillar pests in temperate oak forests

Assessment of pollinator communities and the efficiency of their sampling methods in arable fields and grasslands

The effects of landscape structure and vegetation on plant-pollinator networks

The assessment of mason bees (Megachilidae) in apple orchards and nearby semi-natural habitats near Börzsöny Mountain 

Pollinator abundance and crop yield change with sown flowering plant strips, and the factors that affect this – a literature review; The effect of sown flowering plants on wild pollinator abundance and crop yield - a meta-analysis 

The effects of three invasive plant species on soil activity  

The effects of common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.) as an invasive plant species on pollinator communities

The effects of the invasive Aster species (Aster novi belgii agg.) on the pollinator communities.