Field experiments
Field experiments
Two field experiments were established in 2019 and 2020 respectively to manipulate permanent grassland productivity and biodiversity. In the Kiskunság Oldfields Overseeding Experiment (Parlag Felülvetés Kísérlet) we overseeded oldfields with a seed mixture of native local plants, mainly leguminaceae to improve soil properties. The Kiskunság Wildflower Fields Experiment (Vadvirágos Parcellák Kísérlet) has 16 landscape windows with 0.5 ha newly established flower fields of a seed mixture of 32 native local plant species in the middle.
Kiskunság Fallow Experiment - Location
This video presents the beauty and challenges of farming in the Pannonian region of our European project dealing with the ecology, management, and social effects of grasslands. Stakeholders offer their view of the Kiskunság, where they make their living.
Kiskunság Wild Flower Fields Experiment - 5th pan-trap field work (17-20 July 2023)
Kiskunság Wild Flower Fields Experiment - 3rd pan-trap field work (18-22 July 2021)
Kiskunság Wild Flower Fields Experiment - 1st pan-trap field work (20-24 July 2020)
The Kiskunság Oldfields Overseeding Experiment - Introduction

The Kiskunság Wildflower Fields Experiment - Introduction