assistant research fellow
I participate in the projects of Lendület Ecosystem Services Research Group, primarily in the design of research details, field sampling, data analysis, and manuscript preparation. My interests are pollinator communities in agricultural landscapes and natural areas.
Other research interests:
The relationship of oxidative stress and fitness in hole-nesting birds;
Ecophysiological effects on the sexual selection of wild birds through coloration;
Difficulties of quantifying condition;
The effect of beavers on bird fauna.
Selected publications:
Hegyi, G., Laczi, M. , Szabó, G., Kötél, D., Sarkadi, F. & Török, J. (2025): Experimental data suggest between population reversal in the condition dependence of two sexually selected traits - Scientific Reports 15: 4264
Hegyi, G., Laczi, M., Szabó, G., Sarkadi, F., Török, J. (2023) Plumage color degradation indicates reproductive effort: an experiment. Scientific Reports 13, 18770. (DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-45348-0)
Laczi, M., Herczeg, G., Szabó, G., Gyarmathy, H., Sarkadi, F., Török, J., Hegyi, G. (2023). The great tit abdominal stripe contains a sexually dichromatic colour patch hidden from the human eye. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11:1263974. (DOI: 103389/fevo.2023.1263974)
2020 - 2025 SHOWCASing synergies between agriculture, biodiversity and Ecosystem services to help farmers capitalising on native biodiversity (SHOWCASE)
email: szabo.gyula[at]