Imre Demeter
assistant research fellow
I am interested in pollination. In the recent years I have researched competition between honey bees and wild bees, furthermore the effects of landscape context and anthropogenic effects on wild bees. My current research field is about pollinator community monitoring in Hungary and Romania.
Selected publications:
Revertá. S., Milicic, M., ... Demeter, I. ... Vujic, A. (2023): National records of 3000 European bee and hoverfly species: A contribution to pollinator conservation Insect Conservation and Diversity,
Lajos K., Demeter I., Mák R., Balog A. & Sárospataki M. (2021): Preliminary assessment of cavity-nesting Hymenopterans in a low-intensity agricultural landscape in Transylvania Ecology and Evolution 11(17): 11903-11914
Demeter I., Balog A. & Sárospataki M. (2021): Variation of small and large wild bee communities under honeybee pressure in highly diverse natural habitats Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution 9
Demeter I., Balog A., Józan Zs. & Sárospataki M. (2021): Comparison of wild bee communities of three semi-natural meadow habitats at Hargitha-Covasna Region, Transylvania, Romania Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 67(2): 161-175
2021-2023 Strengthening Pollinator Recovery through INdicators and monitorinG (SPRING)
email: demeter.imre[at]